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Simply Teavine

Because of the healing the Lord Jesus Christ has done in us, the primary mission of  Simply Teavine is to bring healing and comfort to the broken hearted via a profitable business. By creating an inviting environment through a tea room, people of all ages come together to find a respite and sanctuary from our fast paced society. Visitors will experience unique shopping in the tea related gift shoppe. The company is committed to educating others in the art of taking tea and Southern Hospitality at its finest. The pace is relaxing, the surroundings serene, and the service attentive; resulting in the customer leaving with his/her soul refreshed. This is the mission of Simply Teavine.

Enjoy a way of life reminiscent of days gone by. Our new location is in an 1885 log cabin in Hattiesburg.  Visitors may choose to take tea in the north or south room.  They can even enjoy a cool breeze on the front or back porch.  Time stands still as you watch birds, rabbits, turkeys, and more play as God intended.

Looking for a Romantic Getaway, a Business Traveler's Escape, a Football Game Weekend, or Heaven on Earth?

Call us now to book:

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